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Art Market and Connoisseurship

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The structure of the lectures: chapters from the history of connoisseurship from Renaissanceuntil today (the role of an expert in culture history: Michelangelo, Vasari, Baldinucci, Crowe,Cavalcasele, Morelli, Berenson, Bode, Frienländer, Tietze, Kramář, Neumann, Šafařík,specific schools of connoiseurship in present days), elementary terms of connoisseurship:techinique, function, style, authorship, datation, the role of an art expert in state or privatecollections, the role of an art expert in the art market, issues of cultural monuments andnational cultural monuments and their sale; provenance of artworks, the creation of art market


The lectures will discuss the basic principles and history of art connoisseurship and the principles of art trade. It will focus on explaining the basic procedures for determining the authorship of a work of art and its function.

It will introduce the most prominent experts and their personal methods, including the most important attributions of determination and the mistakes they made. Listeners will be able to experience for themselves the methods of connoisseurship in practice when working with selected works of art.

The lectures will also cover the topic of the art market – the principles of acquiring works of art in the past and the workings of the art market today.