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Cultural Heritage in Prague 1

Předmět na Katolická teologická fakulta |

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Winter semester schedule: 17:00-18:30 1.      10. 10. 2023 Introduction at Catholic Theological Faculty 2.      17. 10. 2023 St. Vitus Cathedral and St. George's Basilica – Prague Castle 3.      24. 10. 2023 Vrtba Garden, Church of Our Lady of Victories and St. Nicholas Church in the Lesser Quarter 4.      31. 10. 2023 Hradčany Square and the Nerudova Street 5.      7. 11. 2023   Charles Bridge with the Bridge´s Towers and the church of St. Francis of Assisi 6.      14. 11. 2023 Old Town Hall, House at the Stone Lamb, House at the Minute, Marian column 7.      21. 11. 2023 Rudolfinum, Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague and Josefov 8.      28. 11. 2023 National Theatre and the National Street 9.      5. 12.  2023 Municipal House, Powder Tower and the House of the Black Madonna 10.   12. 12. 2023 Jiřího z Poděbrad Square with the church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord and the Žižkov Tower 11.   19. 12. 2023 Final written test at Catholic Theological Faculty    

For Erasmus+ students I prepared some short videos about Prague's cultural heritage. If you are interested, you can check them out through the links below:

Please,  turn up the volume, it might be necessary :)

Welcome to Prague (3 videos) 1.

Belvedere 1.

Lobkowicz Palace (3 videos) 1.

Lesser Town 1.

St. Nicholas Church, Lesser Town Square 1.

Charles Bridge (2 videos) 1.

Statue of John of Nepomuk, Charles Bridge (2 videos) 1.

Powder Gate, Old Town of Prague (2 videos) 1.

Municipal House, Old Town of Prague (3 videos) 1.

House of the Black Madonna, Old Town of Prague (2 videos) 1.

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The “Cultural Heritage in Prague” seminar focuses on significant places and monuments. Together we will observe the famous Quarters (Hradčany, Lesser Quarter, Old Town, and Josefov) and discover the beauty of architecture from the Romanesque and Gothic periods, Renaissance and Baroque styles, and Historicism, Secession, and Cubism.

Throughout specific tasks, students will learn how to describe and classify architectonical elements into specific periods and will learn how to understand the principles of decorative systems. Students will work in small teams and prepare answers to specific questions concerning the broader historical context of cultural heritage and monument care.

Through worksheets and accompanying materials, they will learn to describe and classify monuments based on formal elements. Classes will take place inside the city, in the gardens, in front of the facades, or inside the churches and other cultural monuments.

The seminar is intended for art history students from the daily study program of KTF, so as for students of the Erasmus+ from all disciplines and different fields of study programs from CU. If you are interested in cultural heritage and would you like to know more about the urbanism and architectural ensembles of outstanding quality in Prague, you are sincerely welcome to attend this seminar.