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Philosophical Ethics

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Philosophical ethics asks for the basic nature of the moral dimension of human life. This type of question is closely related to the very beginning of philosophy, and to a number of key characters in the history of philosophy, the focus of their questioning.

On the historical background of these characters (above all Sokrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant and Nietzsche), the subject deals with fundamental issues that are connected with the moral area from a philosophical point of view. This includes the question of the very existence of a specifically moral reality and attempts to reduce it to other areas.

Exploration is subjected to the basic concepts of good, virtue and duty, the key to the whole issue is the notion of human action, which represents a point of contact with philosophical anthropology and political philosophy. Attention will be paid to both metaetics and normative ethics, to which emphasis is placed.

Normative ethics introduces three basic approaches: ethics of virtue, ethics of duty and utilitarianism.