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Philosophical anthropology

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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1. Vymezení filosofické antropologie.

2. Předběžná charakteristika pojmu osoba.

3. Antické pojetí osoby.

4. Středověké pojetí osoby.

5. Novověké pojetí osoby.

6. Současná pojetí  osoby.


The subject is conceived as an introduction to philosophical anthropology and follows up on the exposition of the subject Ontology. The historico-systematic exposition is divided into three main parts. First we focus on the issue of the person and introduce various conceptions since antiquity up to the present. The exposition is supplemented by reading primary texts by outstanding thinkers. In the second part we focus on the issue of knowing and desiring

(sensual and spiritual) and the exposition is continuously supplemented by reading D. Peroutkaʼs book “Thomistic

Philosophical Anthropology” (compulsory literature). In the last part we introduce the basic concepts and difficulties of the traditional doctrine of man composed of soul and body. The exposition is enriched by supplementary topics such as the problem of human evolution, selected theological consequences of philosophical anthropology

(human dignity, ontological structure of the person, orientation of man and the universe to God as the final cause of creation, and others).

Consultation can be either in English, or in German.