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Medieval History of Central Europe

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Rozpis témat:Cíle předmětu, literatura. Počátky českého státu v písemných pramenech

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Czech history was an indivisible part of the European development from its very beginning. Political, religious, cultural and social affairs in Bohemia and Moravia were very often influenced by the events taking place in the broader Central Europe. Vice versa, they had an impact, sometimes very substantial, on their surroundings, as it can be illustrated on the example of the late medieval Hussite movement. It is therefore quite important to consider the Czech and the European history as one whole.

The first part of the subject (in the winter semester) deals with a period from the historical outset of the Czech lands up to the Late Middle Ages. The Christianisation of the European society, the forming of early European states and the reform movement, which on the verge of the Early Modern Period resulted in the German reformation, were the most important factors that determined the development in this period. Particular historical events will be analysed in an interdisciplinary way, using examples of the texts of the time.

Consultations can be conducted in Czech, German and English.