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Canon Law 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1)  Marriage: concept, natural focus and essential characteristics; marriage contract

2) Preparation for marriage (canonical investigation); marriage announcements

3) Prohibitions of marriage; invalidating marital barriers in genere and their classification; dispensation from marital obstacles; casus perplexus

4) Matrimonial obstacles stemming from one of the nupturients: (impedimentum aetatis minoris, impedimentum impotentiae coeundi, impedimentum disparitatis cultus)

5) Impedimentum ligaminis, impedimentum sacri ordinis and  impedimentum voti religiosi

6) Matrimonial barriers from offenses (impedimentum raptus and impedimentum criminis)

7) Impedimentum consanguinitatis, cognationis legalis, affinitatis and publicae honestatis

8) Marital consent and its legally relevant defects

9) Form of marriage; delegations and marriage licenses

10) Mixed marriages; dispensation from canonical form; secret marriage

11) Legal consequences of marriage

12) Separatio manente vinculo; procedure in administrative (resp. judicial) proceedings

13) Termination of marriage: death and declaration of husband as dead; procedure in administrative proceedings

14) Marriage annulment: dispens super ratum et non consummatum; procedure in administrative proceedings

15) Privilegia in favorem fidei: privilegium Paulinum and favor fidei (Petrinum)

16) Marriage payment: simple convalidation and remediation (concepts, differences, conditions of application)

17) The notion of property, ownership, co-ownership, tenure, administration; ecclesiastical property (purpose and entities)

18) Acquisition of asset (acquisition titles, resources, special legal regulation of prescription); beneficia proprie dicta

19) Asset management (affiliation to management, divisional administration, ordinary and extraordinary management, responsibility for excess, obligations of the asset manager)

20) Alienation and rental of church property

21) Pious references and foundations (concept, types, reduction of commitments)

22) Principles of canonical criminal law; Criminal Code and Criminal Order

23) Offense (concept and circumstances excluding illegality); reserves of the Apostolic See

24) Facts of the crime offense (concept and signs)

25) Forms of crime (developmental stages of crime, crime cooperation); extinction of criminality

26) Penalties (concept and classification)

27) Imposition of sentences (sentences latae and ferendae sententiae), procedural form (judicial and administrative)

28) Concurrence of crimes (single, multiple) and its punishment

29) Mitigating and aggravating circumstances

30) Judge's moderation authorization (postponing the imposition of a sentence, waiving punishment, imposing a lighter sentence, conditional sentence); extinction of punishment

31) Remedia poenalia and poenitentiae

32) Offenses against religion and Church unity

33) Offenses against Church Superiorities and Church Freedom

34) Offenses against ecclesiastical authorities

35) Offenses against reputation and against public documents

36) Offenses against special obligations

37) Offenses against human life, health and freedom

38) The concept and classification of canonical proceedings (contentiosum, criminal or special; judicial/administrative); principles of canonical proceedings

39) Jurisdiction of ecclesiastical courts

40) Grades and types of ecclesiastical courts

41) Competence of ecclesiastical courts

42) Members of the court (court vicar, judges; single judge/senate); other functionaries (auditor, defender of justice, defender of marriage, notary)

43) Procedural parties (petitioner and respondent), capacity to be a party to proceedings, procedural capacity; procedural representatives (advocatus, procurator ad litem)

44) Initiation of proceedings (initial phase of the procedure): the application and its particulars; summoning the defendant, litis contestatio

45) Periodus probatoria: concepts of evidence, proof, burden of proof, notoriety, principle „iura novit curia“, oath; the principle of free evaluation of evidence

46) Individual means of proof (statements by the parties, documentary evidence, examination of witnesses, expert opinion, examination of a place or thing); legal presumptions

47) Interim proceedings (causa incidens); publication of judicial acts; closing the case

48) Discussing the matter (discussion phase of the process): defenses and objections

49) Substantive decision (definitive phase of the trial): judgment and its particulars, legal force of the judgment (res iudicata)

50) Appeals against the judgment - concept and types: ordinary (appellatio) and extraordinary (restitution in integrum, querela nullitatis)

51) Execution proceedings; deadline for compliance; coercion (indirect and direct)

52) Oral proceedings in dispute (differences from the ordinary proceedings at issue)

53) Specifics of court proceedings in matters of marriage annulment

54) Specifics of criminal proceedings

55) Canonical administrative proceedings; appeal against an administrative decision (recursus hierarchicus)

56) Canonical administrative justice


Discipline familiar with the law of the Catholic Church of Latin rite (ie. The canon law) and its main Code (Code of Canon Law).

Under it is recited in the administrative block the matrimonial and property (patrimonial) law, in the judicial block is recited the penal law and procedural law (judicial and administrative).