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Canon Law 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1) The concept and subject of canon law, its specific features

2) Systematics of the Code of Canon Law (CIC/1983); canones praeliminares

3) Church laws and other canonical normative legal acts; leges canonizatae

4) Instructions, statutes and rules of procedure

5) Legal customs (concept, types, conditions and ways of extinction)

6) Individual administrative acts (decrees, rescripts)

7) Legal personality of natural and legal persons

8) Legal action and conditions of its validity

9) Public power in the Church (concept and classification); forum externum and forum internum

10) Potestas ordinaria and delegata, its extinction; tripartice of jurisdiction

11) Supplementary executive power (principle „supplet Ecclesia“)

12) Officium ecclesiasticum (concept, occupation, disposal)

13) Time in canon law, its counting; prescription

14) Constitutional canon law

15) Christians (lay and clergy), their basic rights and duties

16) Education and incardination of clergy; priestly seminary; the loss of the spiritual state

17) Christian consortia (concept and classification, legal status); personal prelature

18) Pope (legal status in the Church, way of choice)

19) Collegium episcoporum; ecumenical council and its legal status

20) Bishops' Synod and its Legal Status; General (ordinary and extraordinary) and special assemblies

21) Cardinals andCardinalCollege

22) Roman Curia (legal status and structure)

23) The concept and types of local churches; diocese

24) Diocesan Bishop (basic powers and duties)

25) Titular bishops; episcopus coadiutor and auxiliarius

26) Interim Administration of the Diocese (sede impedita, sede vacante); administrator of diocese

27)ChurchProvincesand Regions; the metropolitan and its jurisdiction; Patriarch, Primate

28) Plenary and Provincial Assembly (legal status, participants)

29) Episcopal Conferences (legal status, membership, organizational units)

30) Diocesan Synod (legal status, participants)

31) Diocesan Curia (legal status and structure), Vicar General, Bishop Vicar

32) Collegiate bodies of the diocese (priesthood council, congregation of consultors, pastoral council)

33) Chapters of canons (cathedral, collegiate); canonicus poenitentiarius

34) Parish and quasi-parish (concept and legal status); personally parish; “Team” spiritual administration (in solidum); a parish entrusted to a religious society

35) Parish priest (basic powers and duties); proceedings on removal and transfer of the pastor

36) Parish administrator, parish vicar, church rector, chaplain; precinct vicar (dean)

37) Forms of consecrated life (consecrated life societies, hermits, virgins)

38) Auctoritas externa, just autonomy and exemption of institutes of consecrated life

39) Religious societies (conceptual signs, classification, establishment and dissolution)

40) General organizational structure of religious societies; legal status of houses of religious canons and monks

41) Governing bodies of religious societies: higher performances, councils, chapters

42) Property management in religious societies

43) Novitiate, conditions of valid admission and conduct; the end of the novitiate

44) Religious vows (concept, classification, conditions of validity, duration)

45) Rights and duties of religious; clause (concept and types); education of religious

46) Apostolate of religious societies and religious

47) Transfer to another religious society, exclaustration (concept and types), withdrawal from religious society

48) Dismissal from religious society (ipso iure, dimissio obligatoria and  facultativa; casus urgens and urgentissimus)

49) Secular institutes and societies of apostolic life (conceptual signs, incardination of clergy, way of legal regulation)

50) Magisterium infallibile, definitivum, authenticum; heresy, apostasy, schism

51) The proclamation of the Word of God; sermons, homily, catechesis (concept, subjects)

52) Missionary activities of the Church (concept, subjects)

53) Catholic education; schools, Catholic schools and universities, church universities and faculties

54) Mass media; approval of books; confession of faith

55) Sacraments in genere: concept and classification, awarder and recipient, intercommunio (passiva, activa); character indelebilis

58) Legal regulation of the sacrament of baptism

59) Legal regulation of the sacrament of confirmation

60) Legal regulation of the sacrament of the Eucharist; stipes missae

61) Legal regulation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation; dispensation powers of the confessor in foro interno (sacramentali and non sacramentali); indulgences

62) Legal regulation of the sacrament of the sick

63) Legal Regulation of the Sacrament of Ordination; irregularities and simple obstacles; declaration of invalidity of the sacrament of ordination, laicization proceedings


The course introduces the current law of the Catholic Church and the main code of the Latin Rite Church (Code of Canon Law). It includes the interpretation of the general norms of the Code and Personal Block (constitutional law and religious law); of the administrative block is recited canon magisterial law and sacramental law.