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English for Historians 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The syllabus (including the methodological and linguistic basis for its development) formally coincides with the thematic areas for students of art history, yet offers a rich variety for the own disciplinary concept.

Each topic in the syllabus corresponds to an indicative topic for presentation. All presentations must first and foremost meet the formal requirements of an academic presentation!!!

For performance + English phraseology, a set of Steps to an effective presentation is included in SIS.

Mandatory thematic presentations in the ZS are discursive in nature. Pairs of students will write up a presentation on the topic of the teaching week (see below). Students will consult their own point of view and present the topic together, although each has the option of a completely personal elaboration (also based on subject specialisation). Emphasis is placed on the ability to co-present and creatively address the joint presentation as well as the adherence to the methodological elements of the presentation + on linguistic competence (common phraseology for academic presentations).

The presentation includes the development of a one-page handout for the audience (fellow students). The time limit for the joint presentation is a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 minutes!

The themes correspond to the 12 teaching weeks and define the historical period for the students' presentations on the history of European culture (there are no presentations in the first teaching week):

Theme 1: Romanticism

Theme 2: Realism

Theme 3: Impressionism

Theme 4: Post Impresionism

Theme 5: Expressionism

Theme 6: Fauvism

Theme 7: Cubism

Theme 8: Dadaism

Theme 9: Futurism

Theme 10: Abstract Expressionism

Theme 11: Pop Art + Christmas in art and theology

Theme 12: Minimalism + Summary of the term topics    

The given topics of the syllabus will be alternatively supplemented and expanded (theoretical methodology, reflection on current events, etc.)


The basic orientation of the seminar is English as an academic lingua franca (ELFA). The seminar focuses on the development of academic competences in English. Supplementary texts are selected from professional books, journals or websites according to the professional focus of the participants. The expected language level is at least B1 according to the European Framework of Reference (the seminar participant should be able to understand longer texts with the help of a dictionary and to participate actively in discussions). 80% of the interactive content of the seminar in English.

Expected amount of home preparation: 1-2 hours per week to develop the compulsory methodological and language material, which must always be submitted at least 48 hours before the next class (google classroom platform).