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Seminary of Liturgic

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The content of the Liturgics Seminar and the instructors change every semester, and the latest information is always in this annotation.

In the summer semestre 2024, the theme is "Lent in the liturgical traditions of East and West". In February and March at the there will be lectures on Lent in different liturgical traditions on Thursdays at 7 pm.

More info:

Students will attend these lectures (in person or online) and will produce a term paper on a tradition or a universal aspect of the liturgy of Lent.

Topics and more detailed assignments will be arranged in the introductory class the first week of classes in LS.

Garant: Dr. Radek Tichý.



Winter Semestr 2023:

In the winter semester 2023, the theme is "Comparative Liturgy" (Liturgie comparée). It is a practical training in a method that finds similarities and differences in different liturgical traditions, interprets them and looks for basic liturgical patterns. The students will be tasked with comparing a particular liturgical rite, text or action in the Roman Rite and in a non-Roman Rite of their choice and based on scholarly literature, to report on them, to reflect on them and to lead a discussion.

Introductory meeting, seminar schedule, choice of topics for the paper: Thursday, October 5, 1:45 p.m. in aula P1.

Teacher: Dr. Radek Tichý

Summer Semestr 2023:

Seminar in Liturgics - for Pregraduate Program: Specialized Seminar dedicated to improve both theoretical and practical competencies demanded on ordained ministers for skilled liturgical practice in church communities Interactive meetings in liturgical space, aimed at performance of individual christian rituals Procedure: life and liturgy – space and time in liturgy – participants and ministers in liturgy – preparation and performance of liturgy.

Educator: Dr. Jan Kotas