1. Uvedení do didaktiky náboženské výchovy - 1 hod.
2. Iniciační katecheze z pohledu didaktiky - 2 hod.
3. Katechumenátní model v iniciační katechezi - 3 hod.
4. Didaktické modely katecheze - 4 hod.5. Didaktika náboženské výchovy ve školách - 2 hod.
The course follows on from the theoretical course Catechetics. It is focused on the use of principles, the setting of contents, the choice of methods and their implementation in practice in the preparation and implementation of catechesis and religious education.
The course is conducted in the form of a seminar using methods that the student should learn practically. The basic starting point for the course content is the Directory for Catechesis published by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization in 2020.