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Patrology 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


Introduction into the ecclesiastical history and theology of the fourth century

Arianism and Athanasius

Basil the Great

Gregory of Nyssa

Gregory of Nazianzen

Lactantius and Latin poets of the fourth century

Hilary of Poitiers

Ambrose of Milan

Hieronymus and Rufinus

John Chrysostom


Quodvultdeus, Fulgentius and Vandal Africa

Leo the Great and John Cassian

Dionysius ps.-Areopagita and Maxim the Confessor

Boēthius and Gregory the Great


Continuation of the course of patrology, i.e. history of ancient Christian literature. This part focuses on writers from the 4th to the 6th centuries.

The students will get to know the biographies, literary and historical analyses of the works, and especially the various authors' theological thinking. The lectures are held in Czech.

An individual study plan for international students will be discussed with the lecturer at the beginning of the course when the required reading will be indicated.