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Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


A. Church in the course of history 1) Church of the 1st millennium / ancient eastern churches 2) Orthodox Christianity; papacy; the eastern schism 3) Reformation in England, the Anglican Church 4) Martin Luther and the German Reformation  

B. The struggle for unity 1) what is “ekumene” 2) the ecumenical movement 3) goals and methods of ecumenism  

C. Means and results of the ecumenical dialogue 1) theological dialogue: the question of “filioque” 2) theological dialogue: the question of justification 3) theological and pastoral dialogue: intercommunio


The purpose of this course is to provide a historical sketch of the ecumenical situation and to demonstrate the methods and goals of the ecumenical dialogue using some particular topics (Filioque, justification) as examples. Another example of contemporary ecumenical debate, namely the question of intercommunion, will also be presented.