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Seminar of Moral Theology

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Témata jednotlivých seminárních sezení budou stanovena po úvodní hodině.


In the academic year 2023/2024, Seminar of Moral Theology will focus on the teachings of Pope Francis in the field of theological ethics and social teaching.

The fact that one of the focuses of Pope Francis' interest are current ethical issues cannot be overlooked. During his pontificate, Pope Francis paid attention to ethical issues in countless shorter texts and reflections, but also in more comprehensive documents such as the ecological-social encyclical Laudato si'(2015), exhortation Amoris laetitia (2016), documents Gaudete et exsultate (2018), and Fratelli tutti (2020).

In the seminar, we will pay attention to the ethically oriented reflections of Pope Francis. Based on the thematic preferences of the course participants, topics from the field of general ethics, ethics of relationships and social ethics, which the Pope deals with (e.g. economy, ethical reflection of peace/war, ecology, migration, political life, media, etc.), will be discussed. These topics will be discussed together during the seminar sessions and reflected on from an ethical perspective.

The reflections of Pope Francis on selected ethical topics, which will become a springboard for debate and reflection on given ethical questions, will be presented in a theological context. Francis' texts will be linked to the current ethical debate and will be discussed in relation to current challenges in the given thematic area.