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Mariology in the Past and the Present

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Úvod do probelmatiky - mariologie výsad - pokoncilní mariologie - mariologická literatura v českém jazyce biblická mariologie - Markovo ev. - Matoušovo ev. - Lukášovo ev. - Gal. 4,4-7 - Janovo ev. a Zjevení dějiny mariologie - patristická doba - středověk - základní body mariologické ortodoxie Maria, mateřská tvář Boha


The course aims at the history of Mariology, starting with biblical topics, going over the Patristic era, the statements of the Council, the Middle Ages, to the modern era. A particular attention is going to be given to the last documents of the Magisterium and the International Pontifical Marian Academy.

The course touches also the questions of Marian spirituality.