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What is the Point of Being a Christian? Reading and Reflecting on the book of T. Radcliffe

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |



1. chap. – Hope

2. and

3. chap. – Freedom and joy

4. chap. – Courage to be redeemed

5. chap. – Human corporality

6. chap. – Truthfulness

7. and

8. chap. – Unity of humankind

9. and

10. chap. – Division within the Church

11. chap. – Rest and play Conclusion


A seminar includes reading and reflecting of the book of Timothy Radcliffe What is the point of being a Christian?

The aim of Christianity is to direct every man towards a personal relationship with God who is the purpose of everything. Any religion trying to attractively defend its usefulness by any other means would be just an inferior instrument to cover the gaps and manage someone´s life. If God is the measure of meaningfulness, the question about the “meaning” of faith is inappropriate. Nevertheless, truths we declare with faith must have a real impact on our lives. If God is the goal of everything and we are heading towards him, it should be recognisable in who we are. Bear a testimony means to be a living mystery – live in a way that if God didn´t exist, the life would make no sense. The author is concerned with essential aspects of Christian life transformed by faith, hope and love being a credible answer to the question included in the title.

This course is in year 2019/2020 designed only for students from Ruzyně.