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Contemporary issues of bioethics

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Témata jednotlivých seminárních sezení budou stanovena po úvodní hodině.


The area of bioethics and medical ethics is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic areas of contemporary ethical reflection. Biomedicine is capable of procedures that were unthinkable decades ago: It is capable of significantly prolonging life, it intervenes in the course of the emergence of a new human life by means that were previously unimaginable, it is able to decipher the genetic code. Various branches of enhancement medicine or increasing robotization in medicine further expand the space for ethical questioning. Another dynamic area of the ethics of life, which has received increased attention in theological ethics in recent years, is animal ethics.

In the seminar, based on current challenges in the field of bioethics and based on the thematic preferences of course participants, topics from the field of bioethics will be selected, which will be discussed together during the seminar sessions and reflected on from an ethical perspective.