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Philosophical and Christian Ethics

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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Otázky ke zkoušce

1.      Aristotelova etika. Aristotelova odlišnost od Platóna a od Stoicizmu.

2.      David Hume

3.      Immanuel Kant.

4.      Utilitarizmus.

5.      Základní etické pojmy a systémy.

6.      Zákon. Přirozený zákon, nový evangelijní zákon.

7.      Ctnosti.

8.      Svědomí, vina, hřích.


The philosophical part of the course focuses on the basic notion of ethics in the works of important authors. Both the historical and systematical approach are combined during the classes.

The theological part of this subject focuses on familiarization with the basic characteristic of Christian ethics. The key term of the lessons will be the New Law as a fulfilment of the old law and of natural law. The understanding of the new law is the best starting point for the comprehension of the Christian teaching about the theological virtues and about the assimilation of moral virtues.