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Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


Introduction; Subject and the History of the Field

Jesus Christ, ho eschatos; eschatologic Dimension of the Church, the Church in Heaven and on the Earth

Theology of Death

The Immortality of a Soul and the resurrection from the dead

Resurrection from the dead, the Second Coming of Christ, Last Judgment

The Hell, the Purgatory, the Heaven

The Extent of Christian Hope

Complementary topics


The Course provides basic knowledge of catholic eschatology in its historical and theoretical perspective. It is based on reflection about the aim of creation in the God᾽s plan of salvation: it is in advance set „telos“ and „eschaton“. It is thinkable only from the revelation of the Triune in Jesus Christ; that is why the heavenly Church as a God᾽s completed kingdom is also the final form of the creation. It must though lay aside everything what sets it into dramatical contraditiction in relation to God (death as an absence of relations) and step by step reach the full community with him (divinization). This process of transformation or taking similarity with Christ in Glory follows steps: justification – pardon – conversion, death as an encounter with the fire of God᾽s judgment in Jesus Christ – permeation of human self- in -relation (soul) by the Spirit of God – the maximal evidence of this divinization through the physical resurrection in Christ᾽s parusia. Dark alternative of this proces presents the maximal evidence of self exclusion from God᾽s proximity: the hell.

The lecturer provides consultations in Italian and French.