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Introduction to Judaism

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1. Judaism (the starting point issue), the role of Babylonian exile, the return from Babylonia (building of a post-exile community), the Jerusalem temple. •

2. Issue of the synagogue and its role. •

3. Birth. •

4. Circumcision. •

5. Redemption of the first-born. •

6. The role of education in Judaism (from cheder to academy), education of women. •

7. Bar/ Bat micwah. •

8. Wedding, marriage, widowhood, divorce. •

9. Death, Hevrah Qadišah. •

10. Jewish customs and traditions on festive occasions. •

11. Excursion.


The course will provide a basic orientation in the sources of European culture focusing on the issues of Hebrew literature, its sources and the life of European Jewish communities in a diaspora environment. It will end with an ungraded classification.