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History of Jewish Culture 1

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1. Judaism (the issue of the starting point, the art of the Levant and influence on the Hebrew population), the periodization of Jewish art, the role of Babylonian exile and the return (the development of the post-exile community), the development of the Jerusalem temple and its division (Jewish art during the first and second Jerusalem temple), issues in the development of a synagogue.

2. Hellenism and its contribution to Jewish art (periodization: Macabean revolt, Hasmonean dynasty, iconism and anikonism, architecture), the growing influence of the diaspora.

3. Roman invasioni and anti-Roman rebellion in Galilee and Judea, destruction of the Jerusalem temple (reach, adaptation, interpretation), comparison with the Bar Kochb Rebellion (literary sources).

4. From the discussions of hakhamim to the editing of Mishnah tractates, the development of symbolism, the material culture of the tanna'im era, the terminology of rabbinical literature (the identity of the school in Jabneh, Sephoris and Tiberias, and documents of material culture).

5. Evolution of rabbinical literature to the edition of Jerusalem and Babylon Talmud as a source of literature and scholarship of European Jewish communities (an overview of the development of this literary tradition, rabbinical scholarship and synagogue institutions in the legal framework of the Byzantine Empire), architecture and mosaic of late ancient synagogues, material culture of the period amora'im, reception of rabbinic writing in European communities.

6. The origination and emancipation of European diaspora centers (legends of origin in Iberian, the Apennine peninsula, Franco-German regions, interpretation and contribution of responsive literature, findings in the Cairo genizah - Hebrew illuminated manuscripts, documents of ritual art).

7. Crusades (sources, migration and the nature of the destruction of the European Jewish communities at the time of the crusades, the testimony of the Hebrew liturgical poetry, the mystical tradition).

8. Synagogue and Jewish community in the European environment (Synagogue architecture in Rhineland, Bohemia and adjacent countries), iconography, Hebrew illuminated manuscripts.