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Introduction to the Study of Church History

Class at Hussite Theological Faculty |

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Comparison of ecclesiastical history and historical theology. The interrelationship of belief, the Church and theology.

Historical theology as a reflection of living theology in different epochs. The possibility of ecumenical cultivation of historical theology.

The advantage of historical theology over systematic theology. Sources of ecclesiastical theology.

Periodisation of church history. Overview of church history historiography.

Auxiliary historical sciences. Critique, interpretation, hermeneutics in the service of church history.

Relationship of church history to nontheological scientific disciplines. Church history in the framework of the theological compendium.

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The course is designed to provide an introduction to study of church history. The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the methods, theory and basic concepts of the church history perspective; to identify what constitutes historical theology and what constitutes ecclesiastical history, to identify what constitutes historical theology and what constitutes ecclesiastical history, understanding the difference between the history of dogma and historical theology.