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Examination from Rabbinical Hebrew Language (JU)

Class at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Lecturer: doc. PhDr.

Bedřich Nosek, CSc.


In an individual study plan, this obligation is imposed once per standard length of study and is usually planned to be completed by and including the third year of study. Fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by an exam with the result passed by the examiner. The Hebrew Rabbinic texts are a specific language that follows the mixed language character of Talmudic texts. The course is devoted to the reading and interpretation of traditional rabbinic texts in the period from the Potalmudic period up to the 19th century, with an emphasis on literature from the

Ashkenazi region. The first part of the course is a general introduction to the rabbinic language, with emphasis on its specifics and major deviations from biblical, mischievous and modern Hebrew in the fields of morphology, syntax and vocabulary. This introduction is followed by reading and interpretation of selected texts by rabbinic authors from different periods and with different content (religious-legal, theological, ethical, apologetic, liturgical, etc.). The basic texts are usually studied with the selected commentary. At the same time, the content topics related to halachas, exegesis, liturgy, religious philosophy or traditions and customs are discussed. The listener thus acquaints himself not only with the language, but also with the help of source literature recognizes the character of

Judaism as a religious system. Students build on their knowledge gained by attending lectures on rabbinic literature and acquired knowledge of biblical, mischievous and talmudic language. The course of rabbinic Hebrew expands its knowledge by another type of Hebrew. It is a preparation for independent work with these texts, including commentaries, deepens his knowledge of basic topics that were of interest to medieval authors, teaches him to work specifically with rabbinic treatise of topics and specific vocabulary of various types of texts.