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Early Christian Studies - Methodological seminar

Class at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Doctoral students are required to complete the seminar in the first year of study. The seminar builds on the knowledge that doctoral students have acquired in the master's degree program and further deepens this knowledge. The content of the seminar consists of the following areas: theory and methodology of social sciences and issues of literary and formal processing of texts. The aim is to shed light on the relationship between scientific theory and research methods on practical examples from texts, to clarify relevant research methods (taking into account the topics of individual seminar participants) and formal and content problems of writing professional texts).

Topic range:

- theory, category, terminology, typology, methodology

- methods (eg historical-philological work, comparison, discursive analysis)

- sources of research

- composition of professional monograph, composition of professional study

- citation standards, work with electronic sources.