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Human Ecology

Class at Faculty of Science |


1) Introduction - human ecology, adaptation and adaptability

2) Quaternary Period - evolution of the climate, nature and culture

3) Subsistence strategy I: hunter-gatherers

4) Subsistence strategy II: horticulturalists

5) Subsistence strategy III: agriculturalists

6) Subsistence strategy IV: pastoralists

7) Adaptability in the arctic zones

8) Humans and the adaptation to lower temperature

9) Adaptability in higher altitudes

10) Humans and adaptation to hypoxia

11) Adaptability in the deserts

12) Humans and solar radiation


Influence of abiotic, biotic and civilisation factors on human health. Geography of diseases.

Epidemiology. Influence of environmental factors on human variability, ontogenetic development and human evolution.

Biological and reproductive social and cultural adaptation on the environment. Role of the man in ecosystems and ecology of nutrition.
