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Human Cytogenetics II. - methods

Class at Faculty of Science |

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Tematické okruhy: 1) Pruhovací techniky 2) Metody založené na hybridizaci (FISH, CGH, aCGH) 3) Metody založené na amplifikaci (real-time PCR, MAPH, MLPA)


The subject is conceived as a weekly course, in which students will learn about the methods of studying human chromosomes and their numerical and structural mutations. It includes the methods of classical cytogenetics (banding techniques) and molecular cytogenetics (FISH, CGH, aCGH, MAPH, MLPA, real time PCR etc.).

In practice, they would try to analyze DNA using the MLPA (Multiple Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) method and would be introduced with the practical implementation of some other methods.