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Target enrichment for plant systematics - methodological workshop

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Theoretical part A: target enrichment - full background, (diss)advantages of the method - most important papers - discussion - wetlab theory - phylogenomics, gene trees/species tree

2. Theoretical part B: probe development - probe design - universal vs group specific probes - software for probe development

3. Laboratory part - library preparation including sonication - size selection, quantification and pooling - library enrichment

4. Computer practical - working with Hyb-Seq data using MetaCentrum - HybPhyloMaker - HybPiper   The course is established within the project CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013322 with the name ‘ESF pro VŠ II na UK‘.


Practical course of phylogenomic methods focused on Hyb-Seq NGS method. The Hyb-Seq method combines target enrichment and genome skimming of the genome. The course covers the theory, discussion of the newest papers from the field, probe design, laboratory and computer part. Several methodological approaches to data analysis, from raw data to species tree analysis, are demonstrated within the course. The lab part includes NGS library preparation (using sonicator) and enrichment.

The course is established within the project CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013322 with the name ‘ESF pro VŠ II na UK‘.