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Practical of pollinator and plant pathogen determination

Class at Faculty of Science |


The course will be divided into two parts:1) Determination of common pollinators (two days) - divided due to scheduling restrictions into four half-days in March (1 half-day - bumblebees, solitary bees; 1 half-day - hoverflies; 1 half-day - other floricolous dipteran and hymenopteran groups; and 1 half-day - butterflies, beetles and other minor pollinator groups).2) Two half-day excursions, where both fungal pathogens and pollinators will be demonstrated and will be followed by a half-day practical, where the found fungal pathogens will be further demonstrated under a microscope and placed in a broader context. Excursions will most likely take place between 11 and 20 May.


The course is intended as a practical to Plant interactions (MB120P159). The course aims to introduce students to diversity of common Central European pollinators and fungal plant pathogens. In particular, it will focus on determination, ecology and relationships to plants.

More information on the course can be found witihin the Moodle course of the Plant interactions cours: .