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Molecular markers in systematics and plant population biology II

Class at Faculty of Science |


The practical course includes lab work (part A), interpretation of the sequencer data and preparing data matrices (part B), data analysis (part C), and basics of next-generation (NGS) data analysis (part D).

A: Lab work - 2 days

A1. DNA sequencing

- PCR amplification of the target DNA region (non-coding cpDNA region, ITS…)

- agarose gel electrophoresis (test of successful PCR amplification)

- cleaning of PCR fragments using the kit

- PCR product quantification (spectrophotometrically)

- cycle sequencing using ABI PRISM BigDye Terminator v3.1 kit

- product precipitation

- sequencing run at ABI 3100xl Avant (Biological section of the Faculty of Science)

A2. microsatellites

- use of specific nuclear primers (PCR reaction)

- use of universal chloroplast primers (PCR reaction)

- agarose gel electrophoresis (test of successful PCR amplification)

- PCR product precipitation, mixing with ROX internal standard

- fragment analysis run at ABI 3100xl Avant (Biological section of the Faculty of Science)

A3. NGS library preparation

- DNA sonication using Covaris M220, quality check using gel

- library preparation using NEBNext Ultra II kit

- library quantification using Qubit or LabChip

B: Sequencer data interpretation - 1 day

B1. DNA sequencing

- editing of sequences (FinchTV etc.)

- automatic alignment using ClustalX and MAFFT

- alignment editing, manipulation with sequences - BioEdit, FaBox

B2. microsatellites

- data analysis in GeneMarker

- interpreting stutter bands, -A addition etc., the building of data matrices

C: Data analysis - 1 day

C1. DNA sequencing

- searching for similar sequences in GenBank (BLAST)

- basic tree building (FastTree)

- indel coding - SeqState

- statistic parsimony network - TCS

- building data matrices for subsequent analyses (NEXUS, PHYLIP format etc.), format conversion

C2. microsatellites

- basic data analyses (MicroSatelliteAnalyser)

- AMOVA (Arlequin)...

D: Basic NGS data analysis - 1 day

- FASTQ sequences retrieval from short read archive (fastq-dump)

- data quality evaluation (FastQC), trimming (Trimmomatic), duplicate removal (fastuniq)

- read mapping to the reference (BWA)

- analysis of mapped reads (samtools, Tablet)

- de-novo assembly of chloroplast genome (Velvet)

- automated annotation (web GeSeq)


Specialized practical course of molecular methods in plant systematics and population biology. Two methods will be demonstrated: microsatellites and DNA sequencing. The course includes lab work, evaluation of the data from sequencer, data analysis and presentation. The basics of next-generation (NGS) sequencing libraries and NGS data analysis are also demonstrated.

The course is established within the project CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013322 with the name ‘ESF pro VŠ II na
