(1) Úvod, přírodní podmínky a jejich význam pro vegetaci
\r\n(2) Přírodní podmínky: klima, vztah vegetace a půdy
\r\n(3) Holocenní vývoj středoevropské vegetace
\r\n(4) Opadavé listnaté lesy: hlavní lesní dřeviny, jejich stanovištní nároky a konkurenční vztahy, dynamika přírodního lesa
\r\n(5) Mesofilní opadavé lesy, teplomilné doubravy, acidofilní doubravy, acidofilní bučiny
\r\n(6) Lužní lesy, slatinné olšiny a suťové lesy
\r\n(7) Jehličnaté lesy: smrčiny, boreokontinentální bory, perialpidské bory, kosodřevina
\r\n(8) Křovinná vegetace
\r\n(9) Suché trávníky: stanoviště, hlavní typy suchých trávníků
\r\n(10) Suché trávníky: vliv člověka a vztah k stepní vegetace
\r\nPlease note, the lectures are given in Czech language only.
(1) Introduction, ecological conditions and their importance for vegetation
\r\n(2) Ecological conditions: climate, importance of soil for vegetation
\r\n(3) Holocene history of Central European vegetation
\r\n(4) Deciduous forests: main forest trees, competitive relationships, dynamics of natural forest
\r\n(5) Mesophilous broad-leaf forests, thermophilous oak forests, acidophilous oak forests, acidophilous beech forests
\r\n(6) Lowland and ravine forests
\r\n(7) Coniferous forests: spruce forests, boreo-continental forests, bog forests, Pinus mugo scrub
\r\n(8) Mesic and xeric scrub, riparian willow formation
\r\n(9) Dry grasslands: environment conditions of main types
\r\n(10) Dry grasslands: habitat management and protection
Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language only. (1) Introduction, ecological conditions and their importance for vegetation (2) Ecological conditions: climate, importance of soil for vegetation (3) Holocene history of Central European vegetation (4) Deciduous forests: main forest trees, competitive relationships, dynamics of natural forest (5) Mesophilous broad-leaf forests, thermophilous oak forests, acidophilous oak forests, acidophilous beech forests (6) Lowland and ravine forests (7) Coniferous forests: spruce forests, boreo-continental forests, bog forests, Pinus mugo scrub (8) Mesic and xeric scrub, riparian willow formation (9) Dry grasslands: environment conditions of main types (10) Dry grasslands: habitat management and protection
Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language only.