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Introduction to study of plant evolution and diversity

Class at Faculty of Science |


Position of taxonomy in biological sciences; history of taxonomy; delimitation of taxa; evolutionary relationships; species, subspecies, variety, forma; different approaches to infraspecific classification; taxonomical studies (Marhold)

Taxonomic publications as a source of information and as a product of taxonomic research I. Bibliographies, distribution atlases, identification keys, Index Herbariorum, chromosome number surveys (Marhold)

Taxonomic publications as a source of information and as a product of taxonomic research II. Floras, checklists, monographs (Marhold)

Herbaria, their role in biodiversity studies, basic rules of work in herbarium (Mráz)

Botanical nomenclature, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, alternative approaches to botanical nomenclature (Marhold)

Multivariate morphometrics, geometrical morphometrics, reconstruction of evolution, building of phylogenetic trees (Marhold)

Cytotaxonomy, karyology, cytogenetics (history, questions, methods) I (Suda)

- data in cytotaxonomy (chromosome numbers, karyotypes, meiotic behaviour, genome size, banding)

- methods (squashes, specific staining, FISH, GISH)

- Cytotaxonomy, karyology, cytogenetics (history, questions, methods) I (Suda)

- flow cytometry (methods, history, comparison of plant and animal flow cytometry, advantages, disadvantages)

- questions addressed by FCM (taxon delimitation, hybridisation, cytogeography, reproduction modes)

- case studies

- Molecular approaches in biodiversity studies, in taxonomy and reconstruction of evolution I (Fér)

- methods (isozymes, RAPD, AFLP, microsatellites, sequences) and their application in phylogenetic, hybridisation, polyploid and phylogeographic studies

- Molecular approaches in biodiversity studies, in taxonomy and reconstruction of evolution I (Fér)

- case studies


Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language. English version of the course can be requested in advance if there are at least 3 students.

Aim of the lecture is to provide an overview of basic methodical approaches in taxonomy and to show their application, based on practical examples from literature. Special attention is paid to the basic terminology of taxonomy, classification of polyploid complexes, evaluation of molecular and morphological data, formal presentation of the results of taxonomical work and to some problems of botanical nomenclature.