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Statistics in biology and design of ecological experiments

Class at Faculty of Science |


Syllabus of course topics in Biostatistics and planning of ecological experiments1) Introduction to statistics - variable properties, descriptive statistics2) Introduction to statistics - variance, relations of two variables, correlation3) Basics of statistical inference, estimation of basic population parameters4) Basics of statistical modeling, regression, model diagnostics5) Formulation and testing of hypotheses, analysis of variance6) Bayesian statistics, differences between statistical interaction and predictor correlation7) ANOVA - continuation; Design of experiments8) Design of experiments; Factors with fixed and random effects9) Partial, nonlinear and local regression10) Multiple regression - continuation, model selection, use of information criteria11) Categorical dependent variables, classical tests

12) Introduction to logistic regression and parametric analysis of non-normal variables13) "Consultation lecture"


Please note the lectures are given in Czech language only.

Introduction to data analysis and experimental design for ecologists.

Topics: principles of parameter estimation and inference in statistics, analysis of variance, simple one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, multiple comparison tests, linear regression analysis, assumptions of the linear model, data transformation, regression × correlation, frequency tables, spatial and temporal autocorrelation (introduction), principles of design of ecological experiments, factorial and orthogonal designs, block designs.

Detailed information available in Moodle system under MB120P31 Biostatistika a plánování ekologických pokusů (old course code; in Czech only).