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Od evoluční genomiky k evoluci genomů

Předmět na Přírodovědecká fakulta |

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* Preliminary schedule:

-Session 1: Genome structure and function

-Session 2: Population genomic structure and function

-Session 3: Introduction to eukaryotic pangenomics

-Session 4: Evolutionary genomes and pangenomics in agriculture and the wild

-Session 5: Selection in view of pangenomes

-Session 6: Structural genomic variation

-Session 7: Polyploidy (genome reshuffling and macro mutation, overwhelmingly in plants)

-Session 8: Adaptation due to macromutation in plants

-Session 9: ‘Making the paper’: Group project with students collaborating on constructive review process

-Session 10: ‘Making the paper’: Group project with students collaborating on constructive review process

-Session 11: Review process for results reviewers in the last session

-Session 12: Synthesis and student presentations for assessment.

Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Anotace


This is a current research-based course, leading students through important recent works in contemporary evolutionary genomics to an understanding of the emerging crossroads between evolutionary genomics and studies of genome evolution.

In this module students will develop an understanding of the current state-of-the-art in evolutionary genomics and genome evolution research. We focus primarily on plant genomes and evolution, but at the same time, we consider other eukaryotes broadly where contrasts are informative for understanding plant evolution. Students will read recent classics in the field and benefit from guided exposure to each paper by Professor Yant. The course will transition gradually from a predominantly frontal lecture format to a mixed lecture and interactive discussion format, finally consisting in the last sessions of a project simulating the scientific peer review process and its several evolving variations.

Education Aims:

This module aims to introduce the fundamental concepts in evolutionary genomics and the evolution of genomes. Sessions will introduce recent and current classics in the field and promote self-directed learning and interactive peer review.

Learning Outcomes:

• Competence in parsing scientific manuscripts and understanding chosen (vs. alternative) approaches in current evolutionary and genomic literature.

• Knowledge of information sources and guidance for self-directed literature searching and genomic methodological analysis.

• Familiarity with the process of scientific peer review and understanding how to get the most out of constructive review processes.

This course will be held in English.