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Class at Faculty of Science |


1. History, morphology and function of fungi

2. Diversity, taxonomy, nomenclature and basic taxonomic delimitation of Fungi

3. Spores - from distribution to reproduction

4. Fruiting body - its evolution and diversity

5. Saprotophs and decomposition

6. Parasitic symbioses - plants

7. Parasitic symbioses - animals and humans

8. Mutualistic symbioses - mycorrhizae and endophytes

9. Mutualistic symbioses fungi and animals

10. Distribution, areals, origin of fungi, extremophilous fungi

11. Fungal-like organisms

12. Biotechnology, application, fungi and humans * Basic literature: Moore D., Robson G.D., Trinci A.P.J. (2011): 21st century guide to fungi. Cambridge Uuniv. Press. 457 str. * Relevant subjects: Systém a fylogeneze bezcévných rostlin (B120P59) Speciální mykologie I (B120P47) Speciální mykologie II (B120P90) General mycology (B120P46)


Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language only.

The aim of this subject is a short introduction into morphology, physiology, phylogeny, characteristic features and representatives of phylogenetic lineages of Fungi and fungal-like organisms. Attention will be paid also to their distribution, diversity, importance and roles in ecosystems and their importance for human.