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Úvod do analýzy dat v ekologii

Předmět na Přírodovědecká fakulta |


Syllabus of course topics in Biostatistics and planning of ecological experiments1) Types of variables, descriptive statistics2) IRelations of two variables, correlation, basics of probability theory3) Essentials of statistical inference, estimation of population parameters, confidence intervals4) Basics of statistical modelling, fitting linear models, regression, model diagnostics5) Formulation and testing of hypotheses, introduction to analysis of variance6) Analysis of variance, post-hoc tests7) ANOVA with several predictors, statistical interaction8) Multiple regression, model selection, use of information criteria9) Partial, nonlinear and local regression, data transformations10) Design of experiments; hierarchical ANOVA, Factors with fixed and random effect11) Categorical dependent variables12) Summary, dealing with missing data, problems in data analysis

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Introduction to data analysis and experimental design for ecologists.

Lectures take place on We 8:10 (lecture room BB), practicals on Thu 9:00 (lecture room B5). All study materials are on Moodle, course

Topics covered:

(*) Principles of fitting of statistical models to data and parameter estimation

(*) essentials in statistical inference: confidence intervals and statistical tests

(*) fitting linear models

(*) guide to problems unsuitable for simple linear models

The course has a lecture series and practicals in the R-environment. The practicals are based on a set of extensively commented R-scripts, whoch do not require any previous knowledge of R.