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Plant ecology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Solar radiation and radiation bilance of plants, temperature and temperature bilance of plants, periodicity of solar radiation and climate. Atmosphere, supply of gases (CO2) in terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

Water and aquatic environment for plants, water supply and water bilance of plants. Soil, physical and chemical characteristics, decomposition of organic matter, turnover of nutrients.

Ecology of photosynthesis, C3-, C4-, and CAM-fixation of carbon, nutrition of plants, growth on "extreme" soils. Primary production of plants, growth and allocation.

Trophic interactions of plants, symbiosis with diazotrophic microorganismc, mykorhiza, parazitisms, carnivory. Nontrophic interactions of plants, allelopathy, defense against hebivory.

Life cycle of plants. Literature: Barbour M. et al. 1998. Terrestrial Plant Ecology.

Benjamin/Cummings. Gurevitch J., Scheiner S.M., Fox G.A. 2006.

The Ecology of Plants. Sinauer.

Lambers H., Chapin F.S., Pons T.L. 1998. Plant Physiological Ecology.

Springer. Larcher W. 1995.

Physiological Plant Ecology. Springer.

Slavíková J. 1986. Ekologie rostlin.

SPN. Schulze E.D., Beck E., Muller-Hohenstein K. 2005.

Plant Ecology. Springer.


The course covers the entire field of plant ecology, ranging from individuals to communities and how they function at various spatial and temporal scales. Individual lectures deal with plant response to abiotic factors of the environment, functional adaptations of plants, interactions between plants and other organisms.

Please note, lectures are given in Czech language only.