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Selected chapters from bryology I

Class at Faculty of Science |

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Přednáška je zaměřena především na taxonomicky kritické skupiny (zpravidla rody) játrovek, které mohou studentům činit problémy při determinaci. Syllabus přednášky není pevně stanoven; výběr kritických skupin je sestaven po dohodě s účastníky přednášky.


Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language only. A course devoted to the special problematics of liverworts and hornworts.

The course has been conceived very loosely in terms of content: it is based on the latest observations and the present state of the knowledge in the field of hepaticology and on the interest students might have in particular groups (to be specified at the first lecture according to student requirements). The course usually includes a detailed study of certain groups, information on new observations, modern trends in classification, new approaches, problems, etc.