Extrakce a chromatografie plastidových barviv, spekrofotometrické stanovení absorpčních spekter, podmínky přenosu elektronu na akceptor, chromatografie a identifikace vakuolárních barviv.
2/ Fotosyntéza a dýchání
Měření rychlosti fotosyntézy a dýchání u C3 a C4 rostlin, stanovení kompenzační koncentrace CO2, využití rychlé kinetiky indukované fluorescence k detekci raných fází stresu fotosyntetického aparátu, lokalizace škrobu v listech.
3/ Vodní provoz
Stanovení osmotického potenciálu, transport vody v rostlině, vliv vodního stresu na transpiraci, čistou fotosyntézu a vodivost průduchů.
4/ Minerální výživa
Vliv nedostatku dusíku na rychlost a účinnost fotosyntézy, projevy deficiencí jednotlivých prvků a určení deficiencí pomocí powerpointového klíče, charakteristika kořenového systémů pomocí obrazové analýzy.
5/ Fytohormony
Efekty fytohormonů na růst a vývoj.
6/ Kultivace in vitro
Podmíny kultivace na živných médiích. Pasážování. Stanovení viability.
7/ Mykorhizní symbióza
Kultivace a pasážování mykorhizních hub v podmínkách in vitro, anatomická a morfologická analýza mykorhizních hub a kořenů rostlin kolonizovaných mykorhizními houbami
8/ Samčí gametofyt - fosfolipázová signalizace ve vrcholovém růstu. Testování geneticky modifikovaných rostlin.
Plant pigments. Extraction and TL chromatography of chloroplast pigments, elution and determination of absorption spectra. transport of electron from donor to acceptor in prepared extract. Paper chromatography of vacuolar pigments, identification by means of UV-source.
Photosynthesis, respiration, assimilates. Measurement of net photosynthesis in C3 and C4 plants estimating changing level of carbon dioxide in closed system. Influence of CO2 level on rate of photosynthesis, compensation concentration of CO2. Rate of respiration measured as increasing level of CO2 in darkness in closed system. Reducing and non-reducing sacharides,
aldo-sugars, keto-sugars. Storage polysacharides. Starch localisation in leaves - function.
Plant water regime. Estimation of osmotic potential of potato tuber tissue (gravimetric method) and epidermis of onion bulb (observation of incipient plasmolysis). Rate of transpiration, stomatal and cuticular transpiration - gravimetric method. Root pressure - gravimetric method. Light and stomata opening and closure.
Mineral nutrition. Nitrogen deficiency, effect on growth, development and efficiency of photosythetic apparatus in young plants of maize. N, P, K, Mg, Ca deficiency - manifestation in young plants of wheat and kohlrabi. Fytotrof - an expert system for mineral deficiency assessment.
Plant in vitro cultivation. Passage of Drosera. Potato micropropagation by node segments. Cell culture - cell viability estimation using trypane blue.
Plant growth substances. Effect of IAA, BAP, ABA and GA3 on growth and development of cress seedlings.
Plant pigments. Extraction and TL chromatography of chloroplast pigments, elution and determination of absorption spectra. transport of electron from donor to acceptor in prepared extract.
Paper chromatography of vacuolar pigments, identification by means of UV-source. Photosynthesis, respiration, assimilates. Measurement of net photosynthesis in C3 and C4 plants estimating changing level of carbon dioxide in closed system.
Influence of CO2 level on rate of photosynthesis, compensation concentration of CO2. Rate of respiration measured as increasing level of CO2 in darkness in closed system.
Reducing and non-reducing sacharides, aldo-sugars, keto-sugars. Storage polysacharides.
Starch localisation in leaves - function. Plant water regime. Estimation of osmotic potential of potato tuber tissue (gravimetric method) and epidermis of onion bulb (observation of incipient plasmolysis).
Rate of transpiration, stomatal and cuticular transpiration - gravimetric method. Root pressure - gravimetric method.
Light and stomata opening and closure. Mineral nutrition. Nitrogen deficiency, effect on growth, development and efficiency of photosythetic apparatus in young plants of maize.
N, P, K, Mg, Ca deficiency - manifestation in young plants of wheat and kohlrabi. Fytotrof - an expert system for mineral deficiency assessment. Plant in vitro cultivation.
Passage of Drosera. Potato micropropagation by node segments.
Cell culture - cell viability estimation using trypane blue. Plant growth substances. Effect of IAA, BAP, ABA and GA3 on growth and development of cress seedlings.
Practical course deals with plant pigments, photosynthesis and respiration, mineral nutrition, water regime and phytohormone effects. Student gets knowledge on plant functions and acquires experience on work with living plant material, explant in vitro cultivation, meets basic analytical methods , eg. chromatography, spectrophotometry and gasometry.