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Transport and distribution of compounds in plants

Class at Faculty of Science |


Introduction - the importance of transport processes and compound distribution in  growth and development of plants, major compounds transported for a long distance Mechanisms of transport processes - diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, bulk flow Characterisation of structures involved in transport processes- membranes, plasmodesmata, phloem, xylem. Long distance transport - xylem,  water and mineral nutrients transport, capilarity, transpiration,  Long distance transport of assimilates, phloem loading, phloem unloading

Transport of amino acids, phytohormones, signalling compounds  and xenobiotics. Short distance transport - chloroplast - cytosol, cytosol-vacuole, cell - cell Sink - source interaction Regulation of inter- and intracellular transport,  control of C source allocation during day/night rhythm Saccharide signalling: hexokinase dependent and independent hexose signalling, SnRK signalling of C avalilability shortage, trehalose-6-P signalling

 C and N metabolism interactions


Transport roles in plant physiological processes, structure of vascular tissues, plasmodesmata, passive transport, active transport, transporters, roles of membranes, intracellular compartmentation and organelle transporters, cell to cell transport, long distance transport, symplasmic and apoplasmic transport, phloem loading and unloading, regulation of carbon allocation within plant, source-sink interactions, regulation of transport, signalling role of saccharides, C/N interactions.