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Practical basics of scientific work

Class at Faculty of Science |


1 Basics of research work1.1 The character of scientific work in experimental biology1.2 Observation and experiment as the two main activities of scientists1.3 Scientific institutions, organizations, conferences, and social networks      Scientific contributions at the seminars and conferences, rules for effective abstract writing1.4 Ethical rules of scientific work including bad habits in scientific writing1.5 Financing of the scientific research 2 Handling with experimental data2.1.Organization of work, type of data2.2 Data explorers, correct data handling and saving2.3 Spreadsheets, statistical software, graph editors2.4 Processing of structural and sequence data2.5 Image analysis, graphical software, presentation software 3 Scientific literature3.1 Types of scientific reports and their purpose3.2 Internet sources of information3.3 How to search for bibliographic records and full-text articles - good and bad habits         3.3.1 Bibliographic databases accessible at our faculty         3.3.2 Full-text databases accessible at our faculty         3.3.3 Creating your own database of references3.4 Scientometry - a tool for the evaluation of quality and scientific relevance of scientific work3.5 Peer review of scientific texts - step-by-step guide through the process 4 Artificial intelligence in experimental biology4.1 AI in the handling and processing of experimental data4.2 AI in scientific writing 5 Online information databases in experimental biology5.1 Databases of sequences5.2 Specialized sequence databases 6 Scientific writing6.1 Writing bachelor, master and dissertation thesis6.2 Writing scientific report/paper - good and bad habits, how to publish in a very good journal6.3 Writingscientific projects and grant proposals


The course gives information on the basics of scientific practise in modern experimental biology. It is devoted to students that intend to study experimental biology specializations.

The basics of research practise, planning of experiments, methods of their evaluation, principles of laboratory work, guidelines for writing protocols and ethical rules will be described in detail. Participants will be informed about useful techniques of mining in scientific databases and handling with these data as well as about scientific contribution preparation (poster and oral presentations, scientific papers).

Practical demonstrations of techniques useful for bachelor and master thesis writing will be strongly emphasized.