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Physiological plant anatomy

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction - history and development of plant anatomy. Significance of plant anatomy and its relationship to other botanical disciplines. Development of organs and tissues during ontogeny. Classification of tissues and tissue systems.

2. Parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma - cell types, function and distribution in plant organs. Transfer cells, structure and function

3. Secretory structures- classification, types of secreted substances, mechanisms of secretion, importance of secretion.

4. Vascular tissues Phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of vascular tissues. Xylem - functions, cell types in xylem and their development, transport mechanisms, structure in relation to function in water conductance Phloem - functions, cell types and their development, transport mechanism, life length of phloem

5. Meristems. Significance of meristems for sessile organisms. Classification of meristems. Apical meristems of roots and shoots, meristems of secondary growth.

6. Root Root function, root growth and development. Structure, function and development of rhizodermis, cortex (exodermis and endodermis), central cylinder and root cap. Lateral roots- their development and function. Root symbioses with nitrogen fixing bacteria, mykorhizae. Modified roots (aerial roots, haustoria etc.)

7. Stem Stem types, stem growth and development. Structure of internodes and nodes

8. Leaf Leaf functions, growth and development of leaves. Structure of leaf blade and petiole. Epidermis (structure, function and distribution of stomata, ordinary epidermal cells and trichomes). Leaf mesophyl, veins, and bundle sheaths. Leaves of C3 and C4 plants, needles, leaves of xerophytes. Effect of environmental factors on leaf structure. Leaf ontogeny

9. Secondary growth Significance and occurrence of secondary growth. Vascular cambium - origin of cambium, cambial initials. Regulation of cambial activity. Deuteroxylem - axial and radial system, arrangement in different plant types. Heartwood and sapwood Deuterophloem - axial and radial system, Secondary dermal tissues - cork cambium, origin and function, ?cork cambia. Periderm, rhytidome, lenticells

10. Reproductive organs I: Sexuality as the final stage of plant differentiation. Alteration of haplo- and diplophase in higher plants. Development of flower and pistil. Differentiation of stigma, style and ovary. Development of female gametophyte. II. Male gametophyte development: microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis. Gene expression in a haploid system. Gametophytic-sporophytic interactions. Pollen transmission on stigma surface and pollination. Fertilisation and seed development.


Course on plant anatomy for advanced students. It deals with structure of plant tissues and organs, with their evolution and development, with relationship between structure and function, and with effect of environment and of stress factors on plant structure