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Botanical Microtechnique

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Slides various kinds of slides (permanent, vital, surface replicas), their preparation and use fixation, dehydration embedding (used media, infiltration)

2. Cutting of plant objects microtomes (hand, rotary, sliding, cryotom) knive - its usage and maintenance í free-hand sections paraffin method - cutting sections, adjustment of the microtome straightening, and mounting of sections

3. Dyeing of specimens (principle and methods) dyes (system, chemical nature) principles of dyeing interpretation of results selected dyeing procedures

4. Light microscopy and microphotography basic terms, microscope setup microscope adjustment (Köhler´s principle) maintenance of microscope techniques of light microscopy microphotography

5. Selected histochemical methods in botanical microtechnique what is and what is not histochemical detection adequate control, influence of pretreatments (fixation) interpretation of results selected methods

6. Basics on image processing and analysis digitalisation of the image and its parameters processing of the image (equalisation, filtration) image analysis (thresholding, binary image, data extraction, software)


Course should provide overview of light microscopy, preparation of plant objects to microscope, acquisition and processing of image data from the microscope and selected histochemical procedures. Integral part of the course is practical training pointed to gaining of practical skills and understanding of the methods.