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Plant Cytoskeleton

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. The cytoskeletal principle of the cell organization

Characterization of the cytoskeletal components. Basic function of the cytoskeleton. Nuclear and membrane skeleton. Evolution of the cytoskeleton. 2. The basic metodical approaches to the cytoskeleton studies. I.

Immunocytological and immunohistochemical approaches. Electron and confocal microscopy. GFP techniques. 3. The basic metodical approaches to the cytoskeleton studies II

Izolation and characterization of the cytoskeletal proteins. Microinjection techniques. Simulation experiments in vitro. Cytoskeletal toxins. Genetical methods and cytoskeleton mutants. 3. Microtubules

Tubulin - structure, isoforms, posttranslation modifications. Microtubules - structure, Maps and ionts binding. Proteins associated with microtubules - characterization. localization and function. Tubulin polymerazation. Microtubule organization centres. Cell structures formed by microtubules 4. Microfilaments

Actin - structure, heterogenity, genes. The microfilament structure. Actin polymerization. Associated proteins. Myosin. Cell structures formed by the microfilaments. 5. Intermediate filaments

Proteins, structure, genes, associated proteins. Intermediate filaments network in the cell, tissue specifity. 6. The functions of cytoskeleton I.

Dynamic rearrangements of the cytoskeleton during cell cycle. Microtubule function in caryo- a cytokinesis, genetical stability of the cell. Cell cycle regulation.. 7. The functions of cytoskeleton II.

Involvement in the intercellular transport, cytoplasmic streaming and organelle transport. Molecular motors. The role of actin in the intercellular transport. Plasmodesms. 8. The functions of cytoskeleton III.

Genes for cytoskeleton - lokalization, stability, expression and regulation factors. Construction, selection a application of genotypes with modificated stability of cytoskeleton. Cytoskeleton in plant morfogenesis, ontogenetic and organ specifity. Response on signals - light, mechanical a gravitation stimuli, phytohormons. 9. The functions of cytoskeleton IV.

Participation of cytoskeleton during cell wall synthesis. Interaction among microtubules, microfilaments and plasmatic membrane. Deposition of celullose microfibrils mediated by microtubules. Transport of Golgi vesicules. 10. The functions of cytoskeleton V.

Cytoskeleton in the plant growth and development - cell polarity, elongation and expansion, formation of leaves primordia, stomata, trichoms, root hairs, tubers and bulbs, stems, pollen grains and tubes, cytoskeleton changes during senescence and apoptosis. 11. The functions of cytoskeleton VI.

The influence of xenobiotics and stress factors on the structure and function of cytoskeleton. Example of cytoskeleton response on abiotic a biotic stress - extreme temperatures, heavy metals, attack of fungal and virus pathogens.


Structure and function of the plant cytoskeleton. Methods for cytoskeleton studies.

Tubulin and actin - biochemical properties, isoforms and posttranslational modifications. Associated proteins - characterization, localization, function.

Changes of cytoskeleton in plant cell cycle. Motor proteins, vesicle and organelle transport.

Gene for plant cytoskeleton - localization, expression and regulation. Construction, selection and utilization of genotypes with modiefied cytoskeleton.

The role of cytoskeleton in the plant morphogenesis including ontogenetic and organ specifity.