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Course on general genetics

Class at Faculty of Science |


Please note, the course is given in Czech language only. During the course, students will solve various complex problems from plant, animal and human genetics (genetics of flower or seed pigmentation, genetics of animal coat colour, genetic diseases in humans, calculation of the degree of inbreeding/consanguinity, and will undergo basic training in cytogenetical methods. They will learn to practise their theoretical knowlege on the following genetic terms and rules:

1. Intra- and intergenic interactions (complete and incomplete dominance, codominance, lethality, decreased vitality, multiple allelism, complex loci, epistasis, complementarity, reciprocal interaction, etc.).

2. Sex-linked inheritance (sex-linked traits, sex chromosomes, inactivation of X chromosome in mammals, abnormal combinations of sex chromosomes).

3. Specific genotype-phenotype relationships (penetrance, variable expressivity, pleiotropy, genocopy, phenocopy)

4. Gene linkage and genetic mapping (determination of linkage phase, size and position of loci on chromosomes).

5. Human genetics and counselling (genealogical analysis, risk of inheriting of genetic diseases, autosomal/gonosomal/mitochondrial dominant/recessive diseases in humans).

6. Population genetics (Hardy-Weinberg law, changes in allelic and genotype frequencies of populations, inbreeding).

7. Cytogenetics (structure of chromosomes, mitosis, meiosis).


The course is aimed at the practical application of principles of general genetics. Students will test their knowledge of these principles on examples from plant, animal and human genetics.

The course covers e.g. various kinds of intra- and interallelic interactions important for genetic determination of plant and animal pigmentation; abnormalities in genetic sex-determination; inheritance of important human diseases; the calculation of the coefficient of inbreeding, etc. Students which want to attend this course should previously go through at least one of the basic genetics lectures.