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Molecular biology and virology practical training course

Class at Faculty of Science |


The work schedule of practical course:

1. Isolation of DNA, RNA and proteins from mouse cell line, measuring concentration and purity (spectrophotometry)

2. Isolation of bacterial plasmid DNA, visualization on gel electrophoresis, restriction analysis, methods for cloning of genes.

3. Detection of virus specific antibodies in pigs’ sera, using hemagglutination and neutralization inhibition test.

4. Visualization of pseudovirions by electron microscopy.

5. Isolation and detection viral DNA from skin using methods rolling cycle amplification, PCR multiplex amplification, sequencing and identification of DNA by computer analysis.


One week course from molecular biology and virology provides both practical and theoretical training in laboratory methods from molecular biology and virology. The selected experiments allow students to practice not only basic methods (like DNA isolation, gel electrophoresis) but also methods more advances, which are used in biomedical research and diagnostics laboratories (like electron microscopy, PCR, sequencing).

Laboratory course is well suited for students interested in molecular biology and virology.