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Genetics for the students of Biology Education programmes

Class at Faculty of Science |


Cell division and reproduction of organisms

Haploidy-diploidy, basis of cytogenetics - chromosome, mitosis, meiosis, structure and behaviour of chromosomes during cell cycle, B chromosomes, spermatogenesis and oogenesis

Model organisms in biology and genetics

Basic concepts of genetics

Heredity and variability, gene, allele, genotype, phenotype, dominance - recessivity - co-dominance, principles of segregation and combination, lethality, gene interactions - types, causes and manifestations

Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Regulation of gene expression ? common attributes and differences, the effect of external and internal environment, developmental genetics, epigenetic regulation

Mutation and mutagenesis

Gene ? chromosome ? genome mutations, mutagenes, DNA repair, transposable elements, polyploidy ? eupolyploidy, aneuploidy, evolutionary role of mutations, process of speciation

Gene linkage

Recombination, crossing-over, linkage analysis, gene mapping

Genetic control of sex determination

Genetic and environmental sex determination in various organisms, lyonization, sex-linked, sex-limited and sex-influenced traits and their heredity

Extranuclear inheritance

Extranuclear genomes in the cell, their inheritance, interaction with nuclear genome, genomes of viruses and viroids

Quantitative genetics

Polygenic determination of traits, principles and methods of traditional and modern quantitative genetics, heritability

Human genetics

Pedigree analysis, examining twins, karyotype analysis, diagnostics of genetic diseases, gene therapy

Population and evolutionary genetics

Types of populations, Hardy-Weinberg´s law, genetic equilibrium forces that change gene frequencies in populations (selection, mutation, migration, genetic drift etc.)

Practical uses of genetics

Breeding and its methods (selection, mutagenesis, polyploidization, genetically modified organisms), forensic genetics, conservation genetics and endangered species programmes


The lecture is specifically designed for students of "Biology oriented at education" programmes. It introduces them to the field of modern genetics, the knowledge of which is necessary for the understanding of the majority of other biological subjects and areas.

The lecture gives a summary of the basic genetic terms and rules, as well as of the contemporary trends in genetics (extranuclear inheritance, epigenetic, molecular evolution ...). At the same time, it offers opportunity to discuss the implications of the results of genetic research for the modern society (genetic diagnostics and gene therapy, forensic genetics, genetic engineering of plants and animals etc.).