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Principles of genetics

Class at Faculty of Science |


The course summarizes the main topics of classical and molecular genetics. The program of lectures is divided into four blocks:

1) characterization of genetic material at the level of DNA, chromosomes and genome,

2) principles of inheritance of qualitative and quantitative traits,

3) mutations, mutagens and repair systems

4) population and evolutionary genetics. In addition, other topics are included in the lectures, such as the use of DNA polymorphism in gene mapping and molecular taxonomy, methods of gene dose compensation for sex chromosomes, oncogenetics and epigenetics. Seminar is an integral part of the course. By solving theoretical tasks and by examining microscopic samples, understanding the principles of genetic analysis will be improved. Credit from the seminar: at least 50% points for solving theoretical tasks at least 50% attendance at seminars. Depending on the difficulty, the task solutions are evaluated by a maximum of 4 points. The exam is combined, includes the written test composed of 20 questions covering all presented topics. Each answer is rated 0 - 5 points. Only students who got at least 60 points in the written test are allowed to the oral part of exam. The condition for passing the exam is credit from seminar.