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Molecular biology for the students of biology education programmes

Class at Faculty of Science |


Structure and function of biomacromolecules building blocks and chemical bonds in DNA, RNA and proteins, the importance of weak interactions for the structure of macromolecules, the importance of energy-rich compounds

Genetic information molecular basis of heredity, current concept of genes, structure and function of DNA and RNA. Information flow in biological systems? central dogma of molecular biology

Chromosomes in cells chromosomal DNA, structure and function of chromosomes, chromatin and nucleosomes, centromere and telomeric functions, organelle genomes

Copying genetic information

DNA replication, chromosome and extra-chromosomal DNA replication, linear chromosome end replication

Recombination and mobile genetic elements role of recombination homologies, genetic consequences of recombination processes, mechanisms of homologous and site-specific recombination, mobile DNA? transposons, retroposons, retroviruses, biological role of site-specific recombination

Mutation and repair of damaged DNA physiological and non-physiological modifications of DNA, mutations - causes and consequences of DNA damage, mechanism of repair processes, possibilities of repairing damaged DNA and repairing errors caused by DNA replication

Manifestation of genetic information mechanisms of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, RNA processing, structure and function of tRNA

RNA splicing splicing mechanisms, ribozymes, RNA editing, RNA world

Protein synthesis prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation, genetic code, chaperones and tertiary structure of proteins, posttranslational modification of proteins and role of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, protein degradation

Regulation of genes basic principles of gene expression regulation, transcription activators and repressors, regulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic initiation of transcription, attenuation, regulation of mRNA modifications, changes in chromatin structure and gene silencing, regulation of translation initiation, regulation of protein stability, regulation of genes important for development

Application of molecular biology and genetic engineering techniques

DNA cloning, DNA sequencing and genomic projects, genetically modified organisms, genetic tests, gene therapy


The lecture is focused on the basic mechanisms and principles of molecular biology with regard to the needs of students in teacher education. The main part of the lecture is devoted to the storage and copying of genetic information in the cell and to the expression and regulation of genes.

In addition, the lecture includes an introduction to basic methods of molecular biology.