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Industrial Microbiology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.

1. Microorganisms for industrial production. The common requirements, isolation of microorganisms, methods of testing, methods of genetic improvements - classical, gene engineering. Immobilisation of the cells and enzymes.

2. Beer technology. Production of the beer wort, hopped wort, fermentation, beer types, brewery yeasts, contamination.

3. Wine technology. Common and special technology, types of wines, special wines, microorganisms. Production of soft-drinks.

4. Ethanol technology. Raw materials, microorganisms, ethanoltolerance, technology, methods of raising of productivity.

5. Production of leaven. Raw material, demands on yeasts, manufacturing of yeasts, manufacturing of yeast biomass.

6. SCP production. Microbial biomass - exploitation, raw materials, microorganisms - bacteria, yeasts, micromycetes, algae.

7. Organic acids. Citric, lactic, acetic acid, microorganisms, technologies, acetic bacteria.

8. Aminoacids. Exploitation, fermentation and biotransformation methods of production, microorganisms.

9. Microbial enzymes. Types of enzymes, microorganisms, common technology demands, exploitation.

10. Biotransformations.11. New utilisation of microorganisms. Bioremediation, biodetergents, emulsifiers, microbial polysaccharides.

12. Waste waters cleaning, biogas production.

13. Dairy produce. Microorganisms, technologies.


The lecture brings the reviews concerning the technology of various biotechnological processes and the functioning of microorganisms in it: production of beer,wine, ethanol, baking yeasts, single cell proteins, vinegar, organic acids, aminoacids, enzymes, fermented milk products, microbial polysacharids. The lecture includes also processes of bioremediation, waste water treatment and biotransformations.


Biotechnology, Vol. 1-12, Ed. H.J.Rehm, G-Reed, 1991-1999