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Molecular biology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Please note that the lectures are given in Czech language only.

1. Central dogma- repetition Survey of basic molecular mechanisms: replication, transcription, translation and mRNA modifications (splicing).

2. Genome damage repair Causes of genome DNA damage and basic types of processes participating in their repair.

3. Recombination and mobile genetic elements Molecular mechanisms of recombination processes. Homologous and site specific recombination (examples). Transposable elements and their classification (DNA transposones and retrotransposones), mechanisms of transposition.

4. Gene expression regulation Regulation of transcription in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (regulation of transcription initiation, atenuation). Regulation of mRNA modifications (alternative splicing, stability, editing, transport from nucleus to cytoplasm etc.). Regulation of translation initiation. Stability of proteins (degradation in proteasome, N-terminus rule, ubiquitine).

5. Transport processes inside the cell Transport of proteins into different cell compartments. Secretion and endocytosis, role of endoplasmatic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, protein modifications and arrangements. Secretory vesicles (clathrin, COP vesicles). Transport into mitochondria, chloroplasts and peroxisomes.

6. Membranes and their functions Transport through plasmatic membrane. Main types of transporters. Energy sources for single transport types.

7. Cytoskelet and its function Actine and tubuline cytoskelet, its cell function. Role of motor proteins.

8. Principal pathways in cell signalization Types of cell signalization. Main components (receptors, G-proteins, protein kinases, MAP kinases, small signal molecules etc.). Signalization from cell surface to nucleus.

9. New methods References Molecular Cell Biology (Lodish et al.), Molecular biology of the Cell (Alberts et al.), Molecular Biology of the Gene (Watson et al.),


The lectures follow the basic course of molecular biology and require the basic knowledge of processes of DNA replication, transcription and translation. The course is focused on principles and mechanisms of gene expression regulation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including regulation of transcription, translation and protein stability. The molecular mechanisms of other cellular processes like protein sorting and distribution, membrane transport, cytoskelet function and basic processes of cell signalling are also emphasised. The course is recommended for students in 3rd year of the study.

Molecular Cell Biology (Lodish et al.), Molecular biology of the Cell (Alberts et al.), Molecular Biology of the Gene (Watson et al.),