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Forensic genetics and biology

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. week: Basic terms, application of molecular biology into the forensic genetics, „ancient“ DNA typing methods (RFLP, VNTR, dot-blot), sérology vs. Forensic genetics, why DNA quality and quantity matters in forensic genetics, scientific bodies (ISFG, DAB, AAFS, SWGDAM,..), WHO is WHO in forensic genetics

2. week: Types of biological stains and the ways of their storage and processing, crime scene examination, collection of biological samples, contamination and counter-crosscontamination issues, body fluid examination, morfology of trichologic  material, fluorescent assays (FACS, FISH, …)

3. week: DNA extraction methods, differential extraction, automation, human specific and nonspecific DNA quantitation, degradation index,  inhibitor removal, , WGA (Whole Genome Amplification)

4. week: Polymorphic regions and repetitive sequences, mutations, specific instruments used by forensic genetics, short tandem repeats (STRs), single nucleotide polymophism (SNPs), mixed biological samples, chimerism, X-chromosome polymorphisms, low copy number (LCN)  samples, positive and negative samples, technical artefacts

5. week: Lineage markers on Y-chromosome (SNP, STR,..), mitochondrial DNA (D-loop hypervariable region, coding sequence, heteroplasmy,..), haplogroups and haplotypes, mutation speed of lineage samples, geographic origin of haplogroups, DNA and surnames, pathologies, DNA of famous (Adolf Hitler, Martin Bormann, Romanovci, Thomas Jefferson, Jesse James, Őtzi, St. Birgitta, Tutanchamon,…)

6. week: Statistical evaluation of DNA typing results, paternity index, familiar relationship, random match probability, likelihood ratios, individual vs. Group identification

7. week: CODIS, police DNA databases, public and research DNA databases, GDPR, reference sample sampling, mass screening, ethical and legal issues connected with sampling

8. week: The evidential value of DNA analysis, Innocence project, falsely negative and falsely positive DNA typing results, th ecommon errors, CSI effect

9. week: DNA identification of mass fatality incidents, multidisciplinary approach, specific requirements for DNA analysis of skeletal remains, contamination issues, casuistics (mass graves in BiH,

11.9.2001, archaeogenetics,..)

10. week: Forensic genetics and other forensic disciplines (legal medicine, toxikology, fingeprinting, microtraces,..)

11. week: DNA legislation (Czech Rep and abroad), DNA analysis as an evidence, expert reports vs. Expert opinions, ..

12. week: Certification, accreditation, internal and external audits, ISO 17025 a ILAC-G19, ISO 18385, interlaboratory comparisons, proficiency tests, calibration, verification, validation, DNA standards (NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology), expiration, national accreditation bodies, International Standards Organisation (ISO)

13. week: Special methods in forensic genetics – genetic genealogy, archeaogenetics, microbial forensics, post-mortem DNA diagnostics, DNage, farmacogenetics. Animal and plant genetics, RNA analysis, bioterorism, Next Generation Sequencing


Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, short tandem repeats (STRS), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), sequence polymorphisms, population genetics, statistical evaluation of DNA typing results, DNA extraction from forensic samples, external factors influencing the stability of nucleic acids in forensic samples, archaeogenetics, genetic genealogy, contamination, DNA legislation, expert reports, quality assurance and ISO 17025 accreditation, DNA databases